Water Technology (3rd edition)
Existing and New Links
15. Biological aspects of secondary sewage treatment
Existing links:
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRML) of the US EPA focuses on problem solving including the finding
engineering and scientific solutions to treatment problems, including treatability assessment. Link
The European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Bureau
The European IPPC Bureau produces reference documents on Best Available Techniques (BAT) called BREFs. BREFs are the main
reference documents used by competent authorities in Member States when issuing operating permits under the IPPC Directive
(2008/1/EC) for installations that represent a significant pollution potential in Europe. There are about 50000 of these installations in
EU dealing with a wide range of industrial and agricultural activities. Link
Wastewater Technology Centre, Environment Canada
The National Water Research Institute is the research arm of Environment Canada which deals with all aspects of water science and
technology and is home to the Wastewater Technology Centre. Link
Microtox® is a standard toxicity system for the assessment of the toxicity of wastewater components and the treatability of waste
streams. Link
This is an example of a company that supplies a wide range of bacterial and enzymatic products for a wide range of bioaugmentation
applications, including wastewater treatment enhancement and the treatment of recalcitrant compounds. Link
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