Water Technology (3rd edition)
Existing and New Links

2. Water Resources

New Links:

Water Amnesty
University of Sheffield introduced this water conservation project in 2009.  It aims to encourage both students and staff to conserve
water.  Among its many ideas is a water use diary to help you understand how much water you use and how you can conserve it.  
The diary can be used on-line, as a download as a free app to your iphone or ipod, or as a pdf.  Excellent site that shows how
individuals can make a difference.

Melbourne Water
Melbourne Water is one of Australia’s largest water authorities and is owned by the Victoria State Government. It manages
Melbourne’s water resources, supplies drinking water and treats wastewater.  This web site gives a unique and interactive overview
of the complexity of managing the human water cycle and provides an enormous amount of detail on their activities including reports
and other downloads.  The web site provides a fascinating insight of how water scarcity is being addressed.


Existing Links:

US Water Resources
Interactive site from the US Geological Survey that gives catchment information, water quality and flow data for surface and ground
water catchments throughout the USA.

US Geological Survey – Groundwater and surface water interactions
This  page examines in detail the interactions between groundwater  and surface water resources. Access to many important results
and also many useful models and other software.

UK Groundwater Forum
An extensive website dealing with all aspects of groundwater. Includes many useful downloads including a wide range of images.

World Health Organization – Water Resources
This site deals with how resources can be managed to reduce the problem of water-related diseases, especially those transmitted
by insect vectors. It also looks at the health effects of water pollution, dam construction, irrigation development and flood control, and
the need to integrate health-risk assessment and management into conservations projects.

International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre
This site is full of information on groundwater resources and quality. IGRAC promotes the collation and dissemination of information
on global groundwater resources.  This excellent site gives access to a huge range of reports, maps and data.

World Water Council
A major platform for the both the dissemination of information on the sustainable management and efficient use of water  and
discussion of  global water issues.  Excellent information base with access to World Water  Forum Reports.

Earth Trends
A unique database on water resources from the World Resources Institute full of detailed tables of global water resources and
usage by country and continent. Deals with a wide Varity of environmental, social, and economic trends.

Water Resources in England and Wales
Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government have policy responsibility for water resources in England and Wales respectively. This
site gives access to policy information on water resources including water resources management plans, abstraction licensing and
drought management.

National Groundwater Association
Professional organization for scientists and engineers involved with the management, development and use of groundwater
resources. Very extensive website dealing with all aspects of the industry, including publications, education and equipment.

International Association of Hydrological Sciences
Originally formed in 1922 the IAHS is a worldwide organization that brings together scientists and engineers interested in the
physical, chemical and biological processes of the hydrological cycle.  It organizes conferences, training and publishes a range of
books, reports and scientific journals relating to hydrology and water resources. The website gives access to a range of newsletters
and other publications.

European Water Resources Association
EWRA aims to enhance research co-operation and the exchange of information in the field of water resources.  It includes scientists,
engineers and management specialists.   It publishes two journals European Water and Water Resources management as well as
a wide range of conference and workshop proceedings.

Environment Agency: Flooding
An example of public interactive flood information giving detailed information about flood prevention, action during flooding and risk
assessment based on postcode or place name.

United Nations Development Programme-Water Governance
UNDP's response to  the global water crisis has been to promote an integrated approach to water resource management through
effective water governance.  This comprises a range of political, social, economic, and administrative systems to develop and
manage water resources and to supply water services to all members of society. Access to the concepts of water governance is
provided via the UNDP website and the UNDP Water Governance Facility at the Stockholm International Water Institute.
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Pacific Institute-Water conflicts
A major data base of global water statistics including up to date information about water mediated conflicts. Link

This is an independent NGO sponsored by the UK water industry to provide information and facts on reducing water usage
throughout the UK.  It provides an enormous amount of useful data on water use including a range of down loadable reports on all
the key water saving mechanisms from metering, shower fittings,  appliance water use and efficiency measures within homes.

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) Scheme
Australia is facing severe water shortages and as part of a long term plan to secure its water supply it has introduced a scheme to
replace all existing household water appliances including plumbing equipment with highly efficient water saving products.  The
programme aims to save 610,000 megalitres per year by 2021.  It provides a unique data base on products as well details for better
design of houses and other water conservation measures.

POLIS Project-Water Sustainability
This pioneering research group has developed the concept of ecological governance which is the practice of embedding the
environment in all levels of decision-making and action, from the personal to the global. The site provides useful links to publications
and case studies of this unique group which have helped to create the process of Water Demand Management.

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