Water Technology (3rd edition)
Existing and New Links
22. Household and Small-Treatment Systems
Existing links:
Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland)
The 2009 Code of Practice for Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses can be downloaded free from the
EPA site. This is a comprehensive document dealing with all allowable treatment systems in Ireland including site assessment and
construction of percolation areas. Link
A separate EPA page examines frequently asked questions about the installation of a small treatment systems which is very useful. It
also compares earlier regulations. Link
This is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of package treatment systems for individual houses and small communities including the
Klargester family of unit processes. Very useful technical information and data on treatment systems including loads of images. Link
British Water
British Water is a trade organization that represents the water supply and treatment companies in the UK. I t has produced a number
of specific Codes of Practice and fact sheets on small treatment systems that represent UK practice. Link
Specifically these are:
A guide for users of small wastewater treatment systems. Link
Guide to the desludging of small treatment systems. Link
Calculating the flows to small treatment systems from different types of development. Link
Guide to the Installation of small wastewater treatment systems. Link
Geological Survey of Ireland
Site dealing with the location of small wastewater treatment plants and the protection of ground water. Link
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN)
The European Committee for Standardization CEN is the provider of standards for all 30 member states of the EU including EN 12566
which is a series of standards on small wastewater treatment systems. Link
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